Sunday, December 14, 2008

Phyllis Bennis offers two new insights into problematic foreign policy challenges

Phyllis Bennis has authored two small soft-cover books that help readers betters understand the challenges we face in "Ending the Iraq War" and "Understanding the US-Iran Crisis." Theya re easy reads and that offer he often doctrinaire perspectives that are essential to unraveling these complex political challenges.

Most Americans are never exposed to the full balanced of information about the Middle East and it is not surprising that the American understanding of all of the conflicts, from Iran to Iraq and Palestine remained skewered by misunderstanding, driven by prejudice and simply wrong. Bennis offers some light into two of the most topical of these conflicts that if Americans ever did spend a moment to read, they might actually learn something.

But as we know, the Arab perspective that does not fit neatly into the dominant stereotype of hatred, discrimination and politically motivated bias, is a perspective few will take the time to even bother to read.

They should, even if those perspectives can come across more clinical than compelling. The entertaining truth is easier to sell in America than the hard truth, but it's the hard truth Americans need right away.

Both books are available at InterLink Publishing.

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